Rucker Creek Refuge

The mission of Rucker Creek Refuge is to protect and restore the Rucker Creek watershed and its vital animal migration path from the South Yuba River canyon to the higher Sierra Nevada.

This helps provide clean air and water and helps preserve animal and plant species.
We do this by by limiting access, planting, building roads and water bars, cleaning up old timber harvest slash, thining and using other fire prevention techniques.

Rucker Creek Refuge is private property. Access is by permission only.

The refuge has no employees and no officer or trustee receives any compensation. This is all reflected in the bylaws and tax filings.

The refuge is a private operating foundation. Donations are tax deductible.

boundary.kmz Load this file into google earth
California Registration Status
conflct of interest clauses in bylaws
atritcles of incorporaton

Are You Firesafe
Forest Thining
Berkeley Forests
Grouse Ridge Forest
Center for Forestry at UC Berkeley
UC Forest Research and Outreach
California Society of American Foresters
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
American Tree Farm System
Wood Bioenergy
The Xerces Society
World tree density map
List of plants of the Sierra Nevada
Bear Yuba Land Trust
South Yuba River Citizens League

We would like to acquire a chipper, a skid steer and a dump utility trailer to clean up slash, thin trees, and maintain roads. A well would help store water for fire prevention.
You can give a tax deductible donatation by clicking the button below or by sendng a check to
Rucker Creek Refuge
1219 Edgewood Rd.
Redwood City, CA 94062

Thank you